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Dive into further material about the X100 below


Flyer with the most basic information about the X100 robot, with why?, measures and specifications.

Technical brochure

Technical info and possible options and variants.

Sales brochure

Sales brochure with why automatic washing is the way forward and some further description about its use.

Read some opinions from our customers

Fårtoft Genetik

Efficient washing, better results and gives the employees the extra time to get it cleaned properly everytime.

Agerbo Agro

At the pig farm Agerbo Agro they save both time and cost by using a washing robot.

Agerbo Agro - Svineproduktion i Sønderjylland med vaskerobot

A few more videos

Product video

Watch our product video for the X100 and get more familiar with the robot.

Morten doing demo

Small video from an actual demo, where our Danish sales guy, Morten, is visiting the farmer Ejnar Kirk in Thy, Denmark.

Washing illustrated

Video that shows a little bit about how a typical wash cycle is done with robotics.

Further questions?

Don’t hesitate contacting us about anything that is on your mind, we are ready to help you!