What do our customers say

Read how washing robots transformed the way our customers clean their hog barns and made washing both easier and more efficient.

Murphy Farm

Murphy saw the benefits of robotic power washing and now owns more than 30 washing units.

Murphy Family Farm saw the benefits of robotic power washing


Pipestone looks to Washpower and Danish farmers to automate power washing in this article and video.

Pipestone looks to Washpower for automating their power washing

This’ll Do Farm

Watch and listen to Tork and Sawyers thoughts about the XB100 washing one of their finishing barns.

this ll do farm is testing washing robot from Washpower

The Progressive Group

“In the past, we did get a custom wash crew in, but that is neither cost-effective nor in line with our high standards for biosecurity“

Power washer gets the job done

In early 2020 Peter Geene from Amberley, Ontario was looking for help with pressure washing his barn.

Robotic power washer gets the job done reliably and efficiently

Silver Creek

When Silver Creek discovered Washpower, they knew it was the solution they had been searching for.

Transforming Hog Farming

We connected with Hilldale Colony to hear about their experiences transitioning to automatic power washing.