Questions about the ProCleaner X100

Want to know more about our washing solutions and start a conversation?

It may sound abstract and technical, getting a robot to wash down your pensystem. But our X100 washing robot has been developed on the principle, that you as the owner must be able to operate it, just as well as the employees at Washpower who assembled it.

In Denmark we have great success offering a free demonstration at the farms, but outside Denmark we assess each case, if it is feasible in terms of ressources and logistics for us to do a demonstration?

Feel free to contact our Chief Sales Officer Lars Thejl and tell us more about your details and lets talk about the possibilities.

Alternatively just fill out this form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Do you have any questions regarding our X100 washing robot, or do you prefer to talk with us by phone:

Lars Thejl
(+45) 9272 1011